The Musicopia String Orchestras (MSO)
​Founded by Musicopia in 2005, the Musicopia String Orchestras program is based on the philosophy that participating in serious, long-term musical endeavors can have a transformative impact on students, encouraging discipline, teamwork, and personal and creative development. MSO is a tuition-free program, and it serves students throughout the greater Philadelphia region with three levels of ensemble: Musicopia Prelude Players (MPP), Musicopia Young String Players (MYSP), and Musicopia String Orchestra (MSO). The orchestra program is open to students from public, private, parochial, and charter schools, and to students who are home-schooled. MSO ensembles typically perform concerts 2-3 times per year.
What makes the Musicopia String Orchestras unique?
MSO is a tuition-free program! Musicopia believes in providing equitable access to music education.
Students rehearse with both their full ensemble and in sectionals with professional teaching artists at every rehearsal.
MSO provides free transportation from select locations.
Musicopia has an Instrument Donation Program, for students in need of a quality instrument.
MSO rehearses on Tuesdays instead of on the weekends.
MSO has many opportunities for collaboration with artistic partners in our community.
MSO has a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Rehearsal Location
First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, 201 S. 21st Street
Rehearsal Day & Times
Tuesday afternoon and evenings. Click here for each ensemble’s specific rehearsal time.
Free Transportation
Do not let transportation be a barrier for students looking to join MSO. For more information about transportation provided by Musicopia, please reach out to​​